Adding a table of contents (TOC) in Microsoft Word is a straightforward process that enhances the navigation of your document. To begin, place your cursor at the desired location for the TOC in your document. Navigate to the ‘References’ tab and select ‘Table of Contents’ to choose an automatic style. If your document undergoes changes that affect the TOC, you can update it by right-clicking the TOC and selecting ‘Update Field’. It’s important to ensure that all headings intended for the TOC are formatted correctly; for instance, using the ‘Heading 1’ style for main headings. Should you encounter missing entries in your TOC, this is often due to headings not being formatted as such. To resolve this, select the heading text, go to ‘Home’ – ‘Styles’, and choose ‘Heading 1’. After making adjustments, remember to update your TOC to reflect these changes. For a more hands-on guide, consider downloading a tutorial on creating a TOC from Microsoft’s support site, or watch an instructional video for a visual walkthrough. #itseasytraining1st