
Link text and fields

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Relational Database

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How to create a simple relational database

This video explains how to create a link between Microsoft Access tables to facilitate the first steps in a relational database. The video also explains how to view and edit the join properties feature and run queries based on different join options.

The content of this video is covered on the Microsoft Access course, to see the course outline click here. If you wish to complete an online course in your own time, click here.

All our courses offer after course support via email and video, which is the format shown below. To book a course email info@itseasy.co.uk or call 01670 732139. Courses can be delivered onsite using our laptops or at our training venue in Gateshead.

Linking Tables

Before you can link tables you must create a primary key and a foreign key to use as links. Once that has been achieved, select the Database tools options from the ribbon and drag the tables you require on to the screen. Once the tables are on the screen you should see the primary key and the foreign key. Drag from one to the other, it does not matter which way round you do it. You will now see the Edit Relationship box. Make sure you select the Enforce Referential Integrity option, this will stop orphan records being created. Also check that the relationship is what you require, One to Many, One to One or Many to Many relationship. In the video example there is a One to Many link in use.

Join Types

Once you have created your links you can now create a query based on your related tables. When you run a query where data comes from more than one table, you will only see records that appear in both related tables. However, if you change the join type to 2 or 3 to create either an outer or inner join, then the data displayed will include none related records as well.

Access Reports

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This video below explains how to create Access reports. The tutorial is a part seven of a series. If you are interested in completing a Microsoft Access classroom based courses, details can be found by clicking here. If you would like an online course click here

Access reports in design mode

There are several ways to create an Access report, the temptation is to use one of the automated options but in my experience that may be unwise. The wizard often creates a report with truncated text and field boxes, you will have go into design to fix this issue.Paragraph

Using report design as your first option enables you to get a better understanding on how reports in Microsoft Access work. You first attach the table or query required then add the grouping options if any. You can start to add your fields and position them as required. It may take a little bit longer to finish but once you have, the end product will be far better.

Print Preview

In Microsoft Access report design mode you can select how you want your records to be displayed. They can be shown altogether as the wizard creates or you could select the one record per page option. First select the details bar in design mode, then right click into properties. Once in properties, select force page break after section.

Does training work?

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Millions of people attend training sessions all over the world, some of the sessions are received very well and some not.  The problem for everyone is the application of what has been learnt in the work place.  Many delegates complain that they don’t have any time to apply learning or practise skills.  The pressures of the job take over and it becomes more important to produce rather than apply new skills or knowledge.  Training very quickly becomes pointless with any skills or knowledge quickly lost due to lack of use.

What is to be done?  Can training organisations help in the transfer of learning?  An external training provider will find it very difficult to spend any time working alongside delegates cementing the transfer process without being paid.  Company training budgets probably won’t factor in the extra cost required for external trainers to complete the whole training cycle.  Internal trainers are better placed to help but probably face the same pressures that trainees suffer from, work commitments.

I beleive a blended learning approach is the way forward, attend external or internal training, receive CD web based support and more importantly ensure trainer delegate support is encouraged for as long and as often as required.  Video based, web based and or email support can help external trainers maintain contact, e-zine, mailshots also help.  Internal trainers must be allowed access to delegates until they are confident with their new skills.  Otherwise the training process, cost, time and effort is pointless.

Page one on Google and still no work

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If you are on page one for your key words and still only get a few hits a day what can you do?  I would love somebody to help me drive traffic to my site without paying an arm and a leg.  Check out Excel Training here