
CountIF in under 60 seconds

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CountIF in less than 60 seconds. Use a CountIF function to count data by category. Use CountIF with named ranges to avoid locking cells or columns with dollar signs. This is a Microsoft Excel tutorial under 60 seconds, covering CountIF and named ranges. Countif is one of Excel’s Count functions. Count, CountA, CountIF and CountIFS.

Connect to images in Visio

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This video explains how to connect to images in Microsoft Visio. Microsoft Visio. The tutor inserts two images from the stock image folder in PowerPoint and copies them into Visio to use as a demonstration. The tutor then explains how connection points work covering a shape-to-shape connection and a point-to-point connection. The tutor then creates two connection points using the connection point tool. Once the point has been created the tutor shows how to connect to them from any other shape using the point-to-point connection. This tutorial is a Microsoft Visio Tutorial covering connection points, connecting to images, and point to point connection. Connect shapes to images.