This video explains how to add conditions to LibreOffice calc spreadsheets.  The tutor starts off by adding three conditions to a list of figures.  The conditions display Green, Yellow and Red depending on the amount in the cells.  The next part of the video covers how to add a data bar.  The tutor mentions that you can edit the data bar to remove figures and set a range.  The last part of the video covers how to create an automatic schedule using conditions.  The tutor uses the Today() function as a trigger for the conditions and sets three conditions.  One to display Green if the data set is more than 30 days away from the Today() function.  One to display yellow if it is between 15 and 30 days away from the Today() function and the last one to show red if the date is within 15 days of the today() function.  The Today() function displays the current data and is the computer date clock.  This is a LibreOffice Calc tutorial covering, conditions, data bar and the Today() function.